Saturday, January 3, 2015

Urban Renewal ... part 3

Two posts in one day! It might be a miracle, or just a snowy, rainy Saturday in Chicago. No need to go outside, so why not work on layout?

Anyway, the second floor of the new building has been built and added:

To create the second floor, lay out the windows in the desired pattern. A few years back, I made my own window masters and cast these windows out of resin.

These windows are large for O scale, but I based it off a window found on the Ameritown series of buildings. Its more a 1:45 scale window, but seems to go well with my L structure and the MTH cars. I made masters of 1, 2, 3, and four panel windows. By doing this, I save a lot of money (and aggravation in ordering) by not having to use commercial windows. Also, through experience, I've come up with a good size formula for floors and height that goes well with my L structure. 

Once the window layout was determined (two upper offices and a center window for the stairwell to the upper floor), the window openings and roof details were cut using the score and snap method. This is were working with styrene is very easy ... makes construction a snap, so to speak! Once snapped, the parts are glued back together with MEK. The windows act as guides for the cuts.

Once the window openings are cut, the whole assembly is laminated with brick sheeting. Then the window openings and roof details are cut from the back side. The brick is glued to the styrene using CA glue. MEK would be used but it dries too fast. It is used around the outside edges and the window openings to reinforce the lamination. The window openings are intentionally left "tight" ... filling is need to fit the windows.

Good news! The building fits the space! I've also left some room next to the station so I can add an exit Rotogate for the station. Note: no stone trim or lintels have been added at this point. I've learned to add these details AFTER the whole building is painted and mortar has been added. I explain this later, but trust me, its easier to do it this way. Note the gap between the second floor and the first floor: this will be covered by stone trim later. The joint is a butt joint that I reinforced on the back.


The view to the TV is no longer blocked! Plus, I get what I feel is a more realistic building. 

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